Wednesday 13 January 2010

Week 1

hello! My first week has gone very well, me and emily have planned all of our work, the script is done, the storyboard, and we have sorted actors and where we are going to shoot. All we need to do now is find some rope and a knife haha - any body got any of them? Well... unless you are creepy i dont think you will have them handy~!!
bye xx

1 comment:

  1. I've not got a rope, nor a knife (at least, not a prop). I think the main thing with your script is going to be the creation of the atmosphere and the range of shots you use during the various sequences. I would suggest the pace of the sequence when Emily has been captured be somewhat slower than the chase sequence. You will also need to think about light, since for this to work it will need to be quite dark. Where are you going to shoot your sequences?
