Friday 22 January 2010

week 2

hey ho! On wednesday we shot our main scene, it went very well. Today we were meant to shoot the chasing scene but it's raining so we are doing it next tuesday, so instead we are editing some of the footage we have already got.

Monday 18 January 2010

week 2

Me and Emily have decidied to call our film 'Forsaken'. It is a horror/thriller which is about a stalker who kidnapps Emily. The audience will be able to see he has been stalking her for some time and has already killed some other girls. Hopefully we will be able to create the atmosphere needed but are struggling to find a knife and rope. Some suggestions have been made like use hand cuffs and tape the blade of the knife.
So far the only problem we have had was not being able to find a T.V and DVD player in school, we have overcome this by using a laptop instead where we can pretend it is a television.
We shoot our first scene tomorrow, this is the news reporter. I am hoping this will go to plan as it is a tight scheduele and we need to spend more time one the main scene. Any other suggestions about props, eg Knife...

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Week 1

hello! My first week has gone very well, me and emily have planned all of our work, the script is done, the storyboard, and we have sorted actors and where we are going to shoot. All we need to do now is find some rope and a knife haha - any body got any of them? Well... unless you are creepy i dont think you will have them handy~!!
bye xx