Monday 22 February 2010

Editing looking good!!!

Helloo! Well today Mr.Earl wasn't in lesson but me and Emily did really well picking our some sound tracks for our footage. We have picked some good stuff and i have edited it in and it goes really well! We are really pleased with how it sounds because it is very effective. There is alot of tension built up and the cut off where you hear the stalker speak is quite cool!! All we have to do now is fix a few glitches in the editing and i think it is going to look and sound really good!!

Friday 5 February 2010

Finished Shooting!!!

Hello! Well on wednesday we though it would have been our last shoot but unluckily when we captured our footage we didn't have enough. To solve this, Emily took the camera home and got a few shots of her walking out of her house to build the tension! We have now finished shooting and need to focus on our editing....

Monday 1 February 2010

Rules and Rain < not good!!!

last week it rained quite alot which meant that we couldn't shoot our chasing scene, then after Emily was off so i edited some footage, then i was off so Emily edited some! This week is our last week to shoot but we can only shoot in school hours. This is bad news because obviously we are not allowed of site with the cameras. We need to think of a new plan. Any ideas????